Petrin Hill (318m), to the west of the small quarter of Prague, should have a superb view of the town and the river crossed by the famous Charles Bridge. Unfortunately most of the views are blocked by the numerous large trees in the park. If you search for this geocache, you will find a spot with a break in the trees and an amazingly clear view of the town. It's at the top of a grassy bank, so bring some food and a few bottles of the fantastic Czech beer, and take in the view for a while. Don't forget the camera!
You get the shortest walk to the cache and the least "off-road" walking by taking the funicular railway from Ujezd to the middle station and switching your GPS unit on there. But why not go to the top, and have a look at thePetrin Tower, the Hunger Wall, the mirror maze and the lovely rose gardens before making your way downhill? Pathway from west is near from homeless base camp. If you fancy some exercise, climb from the bottom of the hill.
You should wear grippy shoes, especially if you intend climbing the hill. The grassy bank near to where the cache is hidden can be very slippery.
I was add some waypoints with nice lookout to Prague from Petrin hill. Cache site isn't single , is many points with nice lookout to Prague. This short list is recomendation from gardener of Petrin hill, geocacher with nick Pavgem. Thank you Pavgem, good work!
Note that the place changed a bit since the cache was founded and the cache was moved.This cache is second oldest not archived cache in Czech Republic
O Petrine vam jiste nemusim vypravet, takze prejdu k upozornenim. Chce to rozumne boty, obzvlast za vlhka. Preci jen je ve svahu, cestou shora jsou skalky a bezdacke doupe. Doporucuji cestou zdola, muze byt obcas trochu zablacena.
Od zalozeni kese se misto trochu zmenilo a kes byla kousek premistena. Toto je druha nejstarsi nearchivovana kes v CR.